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Best Portraits
Was it more fun to see the results or continue the process? This question is easily answered on my part and the process was a lot of fun and more fun than just seeing the results. My favorite process was my hand-colored image because it took the most learning and creativity to complete. It was so much fun to finally get the hang of the hand-coloring and create a beautiful image. My favorite image though is my solarized color image or the burnt image because of how they look and because they were a lot of fun in the process as well. So, this entire project was a lot of fun to complete my images, but much more fun during the process of learning all the new things about photography and printing as one.
The image above is my best regular silver gelatin print. This has an interesting lighting effect with one side of her face being dark and the other being light. This print's name is Light and Dark Face.
The image above is my best solarized silver gelatin print. For this print, you put it under a color light and then a white light and there is a solarized effect on it. This print is named Solarized Side View.
This image above is my first free choice image and is a burnt image. So, I burnt my negative and then just printed it as normal. This print ended up printing really well and it is named The Burnt Portrait.
The image above is my second free choice image and is a solarized and hand-colored image combined. So, I call this image The Solarized Hair Color.
This image above is my last image of the five and is my fully hand-colored image. This image was really fun to print on large paper and color. So, I decided to name this image The Crazy Hair Day.
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