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Guiding Question: How does someone's body image affect how they fit into the people around them?

zimmerman_a_mirrror portrait_edited.jpg
Mirror Portrait
painted develepor portrait_edited.jpg
Dripped Face
zimmerman_a_double exposure portrait_edited.jpg
Double Ghost
double negative portrait_edited.jpg
Two Frames
zimmerman_a_flower portrait_edited.jpg
Flower Portrait
brush with faded face portrait_edited.jpg
The Brush
make up portrait_edited.jpg
Make-up Face
contact sheet project_edited.jpg
Multiple Portraits
solarized flower portrait_edited.jpg
Solarized Flower 
picture frame portrait_edited.jpg
Picture Frame Portrait

Artist Statement: Throughout the year in this class I have not only improved my own skills in photography but I have realized I have passion for creating work that means something and is cohesive together. Through the guiding question about Body Image I have toggled with different approaches and settles on making portraits. All of these works include different types of portraits. Some I have tried double exposing the film or solarizing, or even dripping on the developer. Despite all of the different approaches and processes, they all are cohesive towards one guiding question. So, although the finished product is only what is above, the process is what makes the images pop in their own way. 

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